Rate this magazine in terms of how professional it looks?

Sunday 10 April 2011

Evaluation - Q4

4: Who Would Be The Audience For Your Media Product?

This is my target audience - Older teagers 15+ to 24 (young adults)
The style of writing in this issue does favour females however the magazine is designed to target both females and males. The genre should also attract hip-hp, urban, R&B lovers.
They are interested in chart music, and rap songs that not always make the UK top 40.
They go clubbing enjoy remixes of songs.
They listen to their music in their cars.
Often at university, some are up coming talents.
They often visit summer festivals with R&B headlining acts such as Eminem at 2011s V festival.
They also like to go to specific concerts such as Rihanna.
They have a specific way they talk, its quite slangy, often referred to as chavy.

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