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Wednesday 17 November 2010

Spider Diagram of initial ideas for music magazine based on research

This is a spider diagram of all my initial thoughts that could be included in my magazine. For the name of my magazine I scrolled through my i-pod and looked at song tracks in order to give me inspiration. An example of this is "Swagger" which was triggered by the sound: "Turn my swag on", "Twist" is from the song "Twist and Shake". I then decided to include what competitions my magazine could have in order to attract my target audience of teenage/young adult.  I thought of tickets and trips and winning technology. The background on the front cover is an important aspect when designing my front cover, I thought of possible themes - Christmas, New Years and also symbols such as a starry background in order to give a mysterious vibe.  For the main image I thought of music videos that interested me such as Chery Cole Fight for this love - I could get screen shots of her during this and be inspired by her outfit and pose. The star on the front of my magazine is very important and in order to generate a R&B vibe I listed some artists of this genre to give me an idea of there overall style and message they put accross.

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