Rate this magazine in terms of how professional it looks?

Tuesday 30 November 2010

Feeback from Proposal

Overall my presentention and initial ideas were linked by my target audience.
They liked the name however one person said that it was more hip-hop than R&B which the class had mixed opinions on, I think this name will work well as my magazine and it portrays the fiesty, fierce, attitude vibe which I want my magazine too.
They also liked the how I had a clear plan of what I was going to do, they liked the Christmas Theme as it was unique and different from the other proposals suggested.
They also liked the images used and is showed how I pieced together my ideas. A possible suggestion made was that If I did the christmas themed one then I should do it in the snow if possible as it reflects the time of year and would emphasis this, I liked this idea and if possible will take my photo shoot in the snow.

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