Rate this magazine in terms of how professional it looks?

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Research for My Music Magazine

During my Proposal the feedback was suggested to research into an R&B magazine because I had surveyed which magazines sixth formers already bought but needed to look into my actual genre.

Here are some magazine covers by VIBE which is an R&B magazine.

All of these magazines show that the facial expressions are important in RnB to show attitude, tey are not pictured to be smiling but aggressive an with attitude. All of the images are shown to be promiscuous with their outfits. They all include an exclusive guest star for the front cover. The star is also shown to be in front of the logo which I like and will include on my magazine. The background is plain which is a good aspect of these magazines as it doesn't distract you away from the guest star or writing. I may do this but I also like the idea of having a natural background.

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