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Tuesday 7 December 2010

Copying an NME front cover

Our task was to copy this magazine. During the making we learned how to change the colour of pictures using colour picker, we also found it important to measure up the magazine to get accuracy. When choosing our models we had to look for the same characteristics, someone who could copy the poses and who looked as near as possible.  The task was a challenge and the complicated parts such as the Rock and Riot part in the top right hand corner look the longest but I learned many skills when making it which I can use in my music magazine. We also learned how to make text transparent, learned how to make the text closer together and how to get a red splash of paint made on photoshop. 

These are the photos we took on our photo shoot.  We took a few so we had more to choose from, we did close and further away ones so we could edit them to get the best possible photo.

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