Rate this magazine in terms of how professional it looks?

Thursday, 21 October 2010

AS Preliminary Task Evaluation

How Successful was your front cover?
For my first attempt of using Indesign I think it is successful in targeting the audience of sixth formers by advertising new cooking classes in a fun way shown by the flour on the face. I managed to download fonts and produce a consistent house style. The contents page was also successful because it followed the same house style as the front cover. It delivered the message I wanted but could be more successful in looking more professional and less home made.
Which aspects of your cover do you think need a rethink?
The placing of the main image is wrong because I wouldn't put text on the bottom right hand corner which makes it look empty. If I re-did this I would make sure the image was positioned on the right hand side to follow magazine conventions. The writing above the circle on the front cover could be curved to make the cover look more interesting. The contents page boxes could of been lined up more precisely.
How similar was your final cover to your flat plan? Was there any changes if so why? and how could you improve the effectiveness of the planning stage?
My front cover is different from my flat plan because the first design was with 3 circle images on the right hand side however there wasn't enough room t position them there. I changed the Mast head because it didn't appear big enough on the front to attract people which meant I had to move around other sub-titles on the page. I also didn't need a bar code because the magazine is free. I have leant not to overload the design because the objects appear bigger than expected. I would also need to ask peoples opinion because what I like other people might not.
What are the strengths of your contents plan/finished product?
The font and the pink glow of the Mast head I like because its attractive and appealing to the target audience. I managed to give photos glow on the contents page with made them enhance the page and look more professional. I think it looks trendy and appealing to sixth formers because I would like to read it so successfully meets it target audience.
Overall what practical skills have you developed during your work on the preliminary task?
I learnt to add effects to objects which was useful as it emphasizes importance. I learnt how to use the magic tool in photoshop to cut out images in order to place them on a background. I learnt how to colour text and give it an outline. I also leant how to make images transparent and give gradients to colour.
What key lessons been that you need to carry forward into your main task?
Take enough photos so I have enough to choose from. Place the main image carefully so that I have enough room for writing. Don't use too many fonts because its distracting and makes it look less professional. Make sure the page numbers can be shown to stand out from the page contents.

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