Rate this magazine in terms of how professional it looks?

Tuesday 15 February 2011

My contents progress

I choose a pink gradient 

Editing images for my contents page

This was the original image.

I am using the photo's I took at the clothes show in December.

 This is the image after using the magic tool on photoshop, as I only want her face too appear on my magazine.

 This was the original image

This was the image after using the magic tool, as this is what I wanted to appear on my magazine.

 This was the original image.

This was the image after using the magic tool on photoshop.

Facebook feedback on Front Cover

Friday 4 February 2011

Final progress on Front cover

Progress of front cover

Here I have added some names down the side of artists that will feature in the magazine. I have also chosen to add a drop shadow to the 'Laura Turner' as it makes it stand out more clearer. I have also added the date above the bar code.

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Editing magazine

I found a clever text for the "Laura Turner" to be written in which my peers liked. I also made a paint splat by downloading a brush from: www.easyelements.com/free-photoshop-brushes.html I also moved the white background to just over the good girl gone bad as it made it less distracting. I also chose to make it pick to correlate with the paint splat.

Adding text to the magazine

I added the exclusive writing onto the magazine, however after asking my peers I found that the text was too thick and distracted them away from the swagger. I also tried to add a feathered background as I didn't want it to get lost in the picture.

Mast head

I have added the mast head to my magazine. I have chosen to have it behind the picture because this is a common convention on R&B magazines an example of this is VIBE magazine